Sunday 9 April 2017

Two nights shall pass

I am not sure if husband realizes that sending him to the airport earlier today marks our first time being away from each other! (despite the many many single nights he was on-call at the hospital, the longing is nothing like physically being in different state) Sobssss. So of course, I've got to post something here.

[Yes I can see my last post was in 2015 bhahahaa]

Anyway, he is in KB to sit for his first (and pray to God, the only) attempt for primary exam in Masters in Anesthesiology-did-i-spell-that-right. I have seen the amount of preparation he put for the exam. Practice, Read, Repeat. Practice, Read, Repeat. Despite plenty of days at the beginning spent on fishing instead (cue: roll eyes), he studied hard (in a very structured manner too) and put the hammer down on full speed towards the end. I can say he was actually enjoying all the revisions (I'll admit this on his behalf cos he simply will never-- he is quite a nerd!). All in all, I am confident that he will do just fine given his God gifted brilliance.

So here's to my husband (who doesn't actually know the existence of this blog), may everything goes smoothly tomorrow and the day after. May all the things asked on paper be those that you have memorised by heart. You deserve to pass simply because you genuinely have passion for this career. If only the examiners know how your face lit-up when telling me about new skills, procedures or management you nailed on the job. This exam may be BIG, but nothing is BIGGER than Allah's grace. So try your best and tawakkal.

All of us will be praying for you! <3>

Tuesday 22 December 2015

First glimpse of you.

...and I could not take my eyes off the ultrasound screen. You were just a day after 8 weeks being in my tummy.

I could still remember the joy that you brought us since that day. Knowing of your existence from the test and actually seeing the 'beanie' you got me all so excited of how real it was! :) I remember immediately having a mental note of things to purchase once I saw you for the first time. 

First from the mental list, week-by-week pregnancy books. Two books, at minimum! I wanted to be prepared and anticipate every milestones throughout my journey of carrying you. Lol. No, your Mama isn't the laid back see how it goes kinda pregger it seemed. I ended up with three pregnancy books and one hypno-birthing book.

Secondly, the Tracy Anderson: Pregnancy Project workout DVDs.... and a gym-ball. Yes, though I did not admit it, getting fat was something I was quite extremely worried about! Haha. Luckily I have your Baba to entertain all my bizarre needs and wants. Oh did your father and I not go the super extra mile in finding that set of DVDs. We couldn't find it anywhere in the bookstores, music shops, baby shops... We ended up getting them from Amazon shipped to a Malaysian friend running a business of US imported goods, then get 'em posted to our address. All-in-all it took almost two months until I got hold ofhe DVDs from the date I decided I wanted it. Heeeeeeee. Now, guess how many times I actually worked-out during my pregnancy?


Friday 18 December 2015

When we first found out about our first born.

When we met again, both Arif and I had the same wish. We were both looking for a partner who wanted to have child/children immediately after we got married. That is how beautiful Allah's plan is. To meet us again only at the right time, after putting us through different journeys where separately, each of us have learnt a thing or two about life. Alhamdulillah :) 

It was a beautiful day, 5th September 2014 when the picture above was taken. (Not so 'immediately' after our nikah date which was on 1st February the same year) Haha. I was 5 weeks into the pregnancy when we found out.

According to Burg he could already 'sensed' that I was pregnant much earlier from two obvious symptoms; 1) the over-sensitivity-and-emotional-turmoil I was exuding. *Lol* and 2) I started to suddenly complain about the air purifier smell in his car which were making me nauseous when he had been using the same air purifier all the while before. 

However, being the ever so chill-and-calm person by nature, he just kept the excitement to himself until I 'confirmed' it through the UPT. Ohh was I not excited, and thankful when I found out :) 

Sunday 13 December 2015

Writing again.

What do I say... I guess I am back in the bloggerhood! *throws confetti to self*

Since having my first born (even before she was out in this world), I have toyed with the idea of blogging again. I wanted to document my journey, with her father, together, on our day-to-day encounters and life-lessons. I even ridiculously thought of having those "letters to my unborn child" but meh... Thats just not me. 

I guess I'm back here just to write to myself. So I won't forget. About my little happy family, my kind husband, my adorable daughter, my mission at work (we'll see if I ever feel the urge to write on this) also any good memories that requires documentation :)